1-on-1 Mental Skills Coaching is a 45-minute private session with Ultimate's Mental Skills Coach, Joey Hewitt. This session is designed to improve a player's mental game both on and off the court and prioritize their attitude and mental health as a student-athlete.
During each session, we analyze and identify the player's unique personality and specific needs. We also introduce a mental skills topic and showcase videos of successful athletes who exemplify these skills. Together, we discuss how these skills apply to our experiences on the court. We practice various mental exercises such as meditation, visualization, positive affirmations, and journaling. Each player receives a journal to bring to every session for taking notes and reflecting. By participating in these 1-on-1 sessions, players can develop their mental skills and elevate their performance to the next level. After each session, the parent/guardian receives a detailed summary of what we worked on as a way to help support their child from a mental point of view. This is an exceptional opportunity to enhance your mental game and develop a champion's mindset.
During each session, we analyze and identify the player's unique personality and specific needs. We also introduce a mental skills topic and showcase videos of successful athletes who exemplify these skills. Together, we discuss how these skills apply to our experiences on the court. We practice various mental exercises such as meditation, visualization, positive affirmations, and journaling. Each player receives a journal to bring to every session for taking notes and reflecting. By participating in these 1-on-1 sessions, players can develop their mental skills and elevate their performance to the next level. After each session, the parent/guardian receives a detailed summary of what we worked on as a way to help support their child from a mental point of view. This is an exceptional opportunity to enhance your mental game and develop a champion's mindset.
package options
1-on-1 Mental Skills Coaching package options:
Group of 2 - Mental Skills Coaching:
- Email JoeyH@UltimateSports.org for 1-on-1 Mental Skills Coaching Availability
- Click the buttons below to purchase a package!
If you do not yet have an account, you will need to create one. This is not the same as a Shoot 360 account.
- Visit ultimatefieldhouse.ezfacility.com
- Click “Don’t have an account? Register here.
- Create an Account for the player (child)
- If you have multiple players (children) to register, you will need to create a separate account for each child.
If you already have an account, simply log in to the account for the player you wish to register.
- Visit: ultimatefieldhouse.ezfacility.com
- Enter the Username and Password for the player you wish to register.
- Log in to your account
- Click on “Buy” ===> Then on “Sessions”
- Click the Program you wish to Register for (Mental Skills Coaching)
- Select your package (i.e Single Session, 4 Session Pack, etc) and click "Purchase"
- Enter your payment info